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successful writing tips for researchers


Practical Tips On Writing A College Research Paper About Obesity

When given the task of writing a college research paper on obesity there are a number of approaches you can take. It can seem a bit overwhelming at first but with the right plan you should be able to easily complete the assignment without much trouble. Here are some practical tips you should know about:

  • Tip #1 – Narrow the Focus of Your Topic and Draft a Thesis
  • Don’t make the assignment any more difficult than it has to be. You aren’t going to be able to touch on everything there is to know about obesity, so the best approach is to narrow your topic as much as possible so that you are dealing with specific and interesting idea.

  • Tip #2 – Conduct Some In-depth Search of Academic Sources
  • Now that you have a narrow focus and possible thesis, you can start searching for content to support your argument. Ideally, use only academic sources that are no older than 3 years. While some non-academic sources might provide you with useful information, all citations should be considered reliable and not merely one person’s opinion on obesity.

  • Tip #3 – Organize Your Research Material and Create an Outline
  • Gather your notes and organize content into related discussion topics. In order to make your work stand out, you should only discuss the best points related to your chosen topic on obesity. Next, create an outline that logically orders your argument, discussion points, and supporting evidence.

  • Tip #4 – Start Writing the First Draft of Your College Assignment
  • Don’t hesitate in writing the first draft. A lot of students submit poor work simply because they wait until the last minute to get started on the actual writing process and end up submitting work that is closer to a first draft than a final draft. Do this soon after your outline and do it as quickly and efficiently as possible to get all of your ideas down in one place.

  • Tip #5 – Set Your Work Aside Before You Attempt to Revise
  • Revision is highly critical exercise in which you think about your argument and content in your first draft under a different light. This is an activity that many professional writers insist is one of the most effective ways of taking your writing to the next level.

  • Tip #6 – Before Submitting Your Final Draft, Edit and Proofread
  • We can’t stress enough how important it is that you edit and proofread carefully before submitting the final draft of your research paper. Use simple and direct English that doesn’t confuse the reader. And be sure to check for all mistakes. Even the smallest mistake in grammar, punctuation, or spelling can significantly lower your score.

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