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5 Points To Consider About Research Paper Data Collection Methods

Research is the life blood of your educational experience from college onward. While you were younger you may have survived just learning or even cramming the information that others provided for you but as an adult in the field of academia, much more is expected of you. The most critical aspect of research is figuring out where you will access your data from. Papers have been failed in the past for selecting the wrong sources. With that in mind, here are five crucial point to consider when you are about to pick a data collection method.

  • The cost
  • A questionnaire costs a certain amount of money although with online resources this can be done for next to nothing. A longitudinal study over several decades has a much greater cost associated with it and only the best funded researchers should ever consider these. Look at your budget and decide how you fit in on the spectrum of costs.

  • The time required
  • Just as in the above example, a questionnaire costs very little in terms of time as well. You can complete several in minutes if they are delivered online. A longitudinal study is out of the question for a researcher whose paper is expected to be submitted within a matter of months after being assigned.

  • The suitability to the subject matter
  • Some types of research require in-depth information from subjects. They may need to be interviewed face to face so that the questioner can base the questions that follow on the answers that came before. A test instrument with closed responses will miss much of the details in such a situation.

  • The desires of the supervising body
  • Sometimes you will not have much of a choice on how to access you data. The people you report to may simply tell you what you need to do.

  • The knowledge of the researcher
  • If you still have some level of choice, consider what instrument you are most comfortable delivering. This may put you at greater ease allowing you to accomplish much more than you would have otherwise.

  • Bonus: Know when to ask for help
  • If data collection is not your strong suit, ask a friend to assist you. This does not mean that you have failed, it may just be the best way for you to get past this point in your research successfully.

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