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successful writing tips for researchers


What Is The Introduction In A Research Paper: Writing Basics

The introduction to a reserch paper usually takes a few first paragraphs of your paper (aside from the summary, if needed) and is needed to introduce your topic and basic points of your research to your reader. This section is usually very important, since it's the first thing the person sees, when they start reading your paper. It will create the basic impression of your paper and will determine the mood your paper will be read with, so be attentive, when writing it.

When do you write an introduction?

Actually, there are no obligatory recommendations about it, every writer decides what is more comfortable for them themselves. There are two ways you can write an intro:

  1. Before you start the actual paper. This way you will determine the whole course of your future writing before you start to write. It is better to write the intro after you've completed all the necessary research on your topic to avoid rewriting the whole thing after. When writing the actual paper, keep your intro in mind and stick to it – you need to follow every word of it.
  2. After your paper is ready. This way seems a bit easier – you already have everything done, you just need to summarixe it and write everything in future tense. But be careful – you need to write 2 another similar parts of the paper – summary and conclusion and you cannot repeat yourself.

Structure of your intro.

Here are a few basic points your intro shall contain. Keep in mind that it's just a few paragraphs (one for a short paper).

  • Opening sentences, where you briefly introduce your topic with an interesting fact, some evidence or statistics. You may also use a quote to make the intro more interesting.
  • Introduce your objectives in this research, steps you are going to take and results you hope for. Include the main parts that your paper will contain. You may even briefly state what sources you have used and how you are going to conduct the experiments, if any.
  • Thesis statement, the last part of your intro – one sentence that briefly summarizes what you just said and gives the basic idea of your research. Make it powerful – it is of the same importance as the topic of your paper and you can be sure your professor will pay close attention to it.

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