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successful writing tips for researchers


Writing An Excellent Research Paper About International Drug Trafficking

When you are writing a research paper about international drug trafficking, you want to follow the tips below:

  • Your essay needs to answer a question or solve a problem.
  • When you are working you want to write whatever areas of your essay are the readiest. Many students are afraid of starting in the middle because they believe that they have to start with the introduction. This is not true. Just because the introduction is the first part of your essay does not mean that it is the first thing you have to write. You can write whatever section you think is ready. You can write a section even if you are not sure how you will fit it into your essay.
  • When you are working remember to keep your overall purpose in mind. One way you can do this is to create an outline. Having outline will show you exactly what areas you want to cover and what evidence you want to support your arguments. With an outline you can actually see where you need more evidence or where you have enough evidence. You can see which types of evidence you have. You can see where your paragraphs might potentially be too long or too short. And if you have an outline you can follow it while you write your first draft and make sure that all of your free writing and free-flowing creativity stays on track. An outline will regularly evolve throughout the writing process but having even scattered notes will help keep you on point.
  • After you have your first draft you want to be prepared to revise extensively. But before you start revising your information you want to take some time away from the essay. At this point you have put in a lot of effort and a lot of brainpower. In order to come back and review your paper with a fresh perspective you need to take some time and distance yourself. If possible take one or two days away from your essay during which time you don't think about it or work on it or write anything. After this time you can come back to the paper and review it as though you were a first-time reader. Doing this will help you to see what areas might need something new, or where you should remove information.

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